My name is Michael Francis Mari, and this website contains resources to help students learn about the Latin language, Greco-Roman culture, and New York City.
Featured Content
Our latest production, Sidebrook: An Irish and American Vision, features a beautiful instrumental piece by Irish musician Jerry O’Sullivan and a dance by ballerina Gianna Ray.

Our entire catalog is available here on our video page. Our YouTube channel contains music videos which attract thousands of viewers around the world. Our TeacherTube channel includes music and project videos which have been screened in schools throughout the U.S.
Would you like to see handcrafted models of mythical creatures, Roman monuments, Roman artifacts, and the Trojan Horse? The gallery takes you there in the comfort of your chair. Enjoy a magic carpet ride through classical antiquity prepared by students of the space age!
Do you want to test your knowledge of Latin vocabulary, forms, and culture? Our online quizzes are short and sweet. They are aligned with the popular Ecce Romani I textbook and designed to help anyone interested in learning or reviewing the basics of Latin.
Looking for an easy way to study your Latin? The Latin Review Kit is just what you're looking for. It's based on techniques I used with over two thousand scholars at Fordham Prep. Sheet music to "The Declension Song" is available here.
Free 15-minute phone consultations are available to parents, educators, and other adults about curriculum design, lesson planning, assessment, project work, field trips, music, and literature related to the study of US history, Greco-Roman culture, Latin, ancient Greek, and Italian. Requests may be made by emailing mmari@themontfortacademy.org.

Michael Francis Mari holds a BA in Classical Philology (Latin and Greek) from New York University and an MA in Latin from Fordham University. He has taught Latin, English, Italian, and Greek. He received a Bene Merenti award from Fordham Prep, was granted tenure at the Bronxville School, and is now dean of faculty development at the Montfort Academy.

This website is programmed by James Faville and was originally designed by Michael M. Mechmann.